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14 Facts About The Indian Armed Forces That’ll Make You Respect Them Even More

The Indian Armed Forces, consisting of the Indian Army, the Indian Air Force, the Indian Navy and the Indian Coast Guard are India’s shield and sword, which keep our interests safe, our enemies at bay and the people of our country secure and free. They are respected and adored for their valor and sense of duty by the entire country. Many of us would know about their triumphs and stellar contributions to civilian life. But here are a few facts which will increase your respect for the Indian military ten-fold. 1. India controls the highest battlefield in the world, the Siachen glacier, at 5000 metres above Mean Sea Level (MSL). 2. India has the biggest "voluntary" army in the world. All serving and reserve personnel have actually “opted” for service. There is a provision for conscription (forced recruitment) in the constitution, but it has never been used. 3. Indian soldiers are considered among the very best in high altitude and mountain warfare

10 Interesting Facts About The Milky Way Galaxy

1: The Milky Way Is Vast The  Milky Way  is an estimated 100,000 light-years in diameter and contains up to 400 billion stars, including our own sun. In spite of such a huge number of stars, the distance between Earth and even our nearest star system Alpha Centauri is vast, and as Douglas Adams pointed out in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, “Space is Big—Really Big. You don’t know how mind-bogglingly huge space is..” And, of course, he was absolutely correct. Needless to say, comprehending such astronomically large numbers and sizes isn’t easy. Can you imagine 186,282 miles, for instance? Of course you can’t, and yet light travels that far in a single second. Alpha Centauri is 25.6 trillion miles  (4.3 light-years) away –  good luck imagining that – and to put things into some kind of perspective, if you were to count at a rate of one per second, it would take about 11 and a half days to reach just one million. 2: Just One Of Many Galaxies The point being that w

26 Crazy Facts You Never Knew About Google

21 Amazingly Interesting YouTube Facts

400 Hours Of Video Per Minute YouTube’s statistics at the end of 2015 claim that more than 400 hours of video was uploaded to the site per minute.  ReelSEO forecasts  that this could already have increased to as much as 500 hours of video per minute. One-Third of the World on YouTube At over one billion users, YouTube has  over a third of the entire population  of the Internet as users. That creates quite a diverse, multicultural melting pot of activity! Most-Watched Non-Music Video: Charlie Bit My Finger You must have seen it (almost everyone else has!): Charlie, well, he bites. At 833,698,293 plays and rising, these two adorable brothers have earned hundreds of thousands of dollars for that little moment. And they’re not even out of school yet! Half of YouTube’s Viewers Are on Mobile Actually, it’s more than half. You might think you’re an average viewer, sitting there at your computer or laptop. But most of YouTube’s viewers are actually  on a smartphone or tabl

68 Amazing Facts About India

1) Around a 100 million years ago, India was an island. 2) India’s name is derived from the “Indus” river. 3) Indus Valley Civilisation is the world’s oldest civilisation. 4) India, hence, is the world’s oldest, most advanced and continuous civilisation. 5) India has been the largest troop contributor to the United Nations Peacekeeping Missions since its inception. 6) India has the world’s third largest active army, after China and USA. 7) The Tirupati Balaji temple and the Kashi Vishwanath Temple both, receive more visitors than the Vatican City and Mecca combined. 8) Every 12 years, a religious gathering called the Kumbh Mela occurs in India. It is the world’s largest gathering of people. 9) The gathering is so large that the Kumbh Mela is visible from the space. Kumbh Mela from Space. 10) Varanasi is the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world today. 11) India has more mosques (300,000 mosques) than any other nation in the world. 12)

The man who invented pop-up ads!!!!!!!!!!!!

The man who  invented pop-up ads  has  apologized  to the world for creating one of the  Internet 's most hated forms of advertising