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Bible Facts

  • The oldest person in the Bible was Methuselah. He died when he was 969 years old.

  • The wisest man in the Bible is Solomon

  •  The strongest man in the Bible is Samson

  •  The tallest villain in the Bible is Goliath at over 9½ feet tall

  • King Solomon had 700 wives

  • The greatest warrior in the Bible is Gideon. With 300 men, 300 trumpets, and God, He defeated 135,000 Midianites

  •  A raven was the first animal out of the ark

  •  The Star of Bethlehem was reported by Matthew, but at the same time Chinese astronomers recorded it, too.

  • The Bible was written over a 1500 year span (from 1400 B.C to A.D. 100) over 40 generations

  •  The Bible was written by over 40 authors

  •  The Bible was written in three languages - Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek

  • The Bible was written on three continents - Asia, Africa, and Europe

  • The Bible was written over a 1500 year span (from 1400 B.C to A.D. 100) over 40 generations

  • There are 3,566,480 letters in the Bible

  •  The Bible was the first book to be printed, in 1454

  • The Bible has been translated into 1200 languages

  • Noah was 600 years old when he built the ark, and 950 years old when he died. Genesis 7:6 and Genesis 9:29

  •  Adam was 930 when he died. Genesis 5:5

  • After Moses was given the Ten Commandments, he wore a veil over his face because he glowed. Exodus 34:33-35

  • Joseph was 17 when his brothers sold him to the Ishmaelites. Genesis 37:2


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