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The world's largest gold bar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The world's  largest gold bar  weighs  250 kg (551 lb)

1.3 million Earths !!!!!!!!!!!

1.3 mil lion  Earths  could  fit  inside the  sun , an average-sized star.

600,000 hacking attempts!!!!!!!!!!

600,000 hacking  attempts are made to  Facebook accounts  every day.!!!!!!!!!!!!

The World's Largest Chocolate Bar !!!!!!!!!!!

The World's  Largest Chocolate  Bar Weighed  5,792 kg (12,770 lb) .

White Chocolate !!!!!!!!!!!

White Chocolate isn't technically Chocolate , as it contains no cocoa solids or cocoa liquor.!!!!!!!!!

On September 11

On September 11, 2001,  2,996 people  were  killed  in the  terrorist attacks  at the World Trade Center in NYC, the Pentagon building in Virginia, and in a plane crash in Pennsylvania.

Zebras are actually !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zebras are actually  black , with white stripes.!!!!!!!!