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Showing posts from January, 2017

153,000 people will die

About  153,000 people will die  on your  birthday .

The First YouTube Video

The  First YouTube Video  was uploaded on April 23, 2005, featuring its co-founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo.

Every Apple iPhone ad displays the time as 9:41

Every Apple  iPhone ad  displays the time as  9:41 AM , the time  Steve Jobs  unveiled it in 2007

Gmail and April Fools' !!!!!!!!!!!!

Because  Gmail  first launched on  April 1st  of 2004, many people thought it was an  April Fools' Day prank .

When a Google employee dies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When a  Google employee dies , their  spouses  receive  half pay  from the company for  10 years  and their  children US$1,000  per month until they turn 19

Google hired a camel !!!!!!!!!

Google hired a camel to create  the Street View  of a desert !!!!!!!!!

Nokia 1100

Over  250 mil lion  Nokia 1100  devices were sold, making it the  bestselling electrical gadget in  history .

Facebook loses almost US$25,000

 Facebook loses almost US$25,000   for every minute it's down.

The “Like” button on Facebook

The  “Like”  button on  Facebook  was originally going to be called  “Awesome” .

Facebook is blue because !!!!!!!!!!!!

Facebook is primarily blue because Mark Zuckerberg suffers red-green color blindness.

Block Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook !!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can't block Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook !!!!!!!!!!!!

Dead people on Facebook !!!!!!!!!

There are about  30 mil lion  dead  people on  Facebook .

Facebook tracks !!!!!!!!

Facebook  tracks  which  sites you visit , even AFTER you have  signed out .

Play chess with a friend in Facebook Messenger

Open up a conversation in  Facebook Messenger  and type  @fbchess play  to start a game of chess with a friend.

The first "face" on Facebook.

Al Pacino  was the  first "face"  on Facebook.

165,000 cars !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About  165,000 cars  are  produced  every day.

The world's largest gold bar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The world's  largest gold bar  weighs  250 kg (551 lb)

1.3 million Earths !!!!!!!!!!!

1.3 mil lion  Earths  could  fit  inside the  sun , an average-sized star.