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Showing posts from December, 2016

On September 11

On September 11, 2001,  2,996 people  were  killed  in the  terrorist attacks  at the World Trade Center in NYC, the Pentagon building in Virginia, and in a plane crash in Pennsylvania.

Zebras are actually !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zebras are actually  black , with white stripes.!!!!!!!!

school !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The  word "school"   comes from the ancient Greek for   "free time.!!!!!!!

The largest earthquake !!!!!!!!

The  largest  earth quake  ever recorded was a  magnitude 9.5  in Chile back in 1960.

90% of all the rice !!!!!!!!!!!!

90%  of all the  rice  in the world is consumed in  Asia . !!!!!!!!!

10 % of the world's population !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 % of the world's population is left-handed.


Size 879 shoe

The  Statue of Liberty wears a  size 879 shoe .

World's biggest gathering of humans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

100 mil lion  people come to India's Kumbh Mela Festival, the  world's biggest gathering  of humans. !!!!!!!!!

World's largest democracy !!!!!!!!!!!!!

India is the  world's largest democracy , with 1.2 bil lion   people.!!!!!!!!!!

1 person is killed by !!!!!!!!!!!!

Every hour, at least  1 person is killed by a drunk driver   in the U.S. !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Throwing an apple !!!!!!

In  ancient Greece ,   throwing an  apple   at someone was done to   declare one's  love . .!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everything men know about a women !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's a book called  " Everything  men  know about a wo men "   that is just   120 blank pages.

Video Killed the Radio Star !!!!!!

The  first   music  video shown on  MTV was  "Video Killed the Radio Star."

The logo of the Royal New Zealand !!!!!!!!!!!

The logo of the Royal  New Zealand  Air Force  is the Kiwi, a  flightless bird .

Cat,s nose and our Fingerprint!!!!!!!!!

  A cat,s nose print is as unique as our fingerprint  !!!!!!!!!! 

Loan from China !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All  pandas  in the world are on  loan from  China .

Nomophobia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nomophobia is the fear of being without your  mobile phone or losing your  signal. !!!!!!!!!!!!!